Sunrider Testimonies!


My name is Jeanette Swords and here is my Sunrider story since I started eating the foods consistently in June 2009.

In December of 2003 I was told I had stage four pre-cancer cells in my uterus and needed a complete hysterectomy.   Although I told my doctor to please leave a good ovary if he found one, he took both, even after finding that the right one was normal.  When the post surgery tests came back he told me I was “cancer” free.   It was confusing to me especially since I started out with ‘pre-cancer’ cells.   After the surgery I did not heal properly.  Nothing was normal about me.  My emotions skyrocketed to extremes.   Sleep was not normal, daily routines turned into a blur, no energy or severe adrenaline rushes, but the very worst of all was a horrible pain deep in my low back/tailbone area.   I did not know how to ‘do’ life.  My joy was gone.  One day, after talking with my son, he told me, Mom, you have no joy in your life.  And I did not know how to get it back.

In 2005 I found a brochure about Sunrider.  After learning about the philosophy of regeneration, I thought maybe this could help me.  I began eating the basics and started feeling somewhat stronger.  During this time I searched alternatives ways to find relief for my tailbone pain.  Because of the pain I would not sit and by the end of the day the pain intensified.  None of the alternative ways produced any significant relief.  I began eating less Sunrider.  After one alternative treatment which involved needles called neural therapy, I began breaking out with itchy, weeping rashes on my legs.  The rash spread to the other leg, over the tailbone, to the arms and hands.  I began to lose weight. (I have pictures to show of my skin).   During this time I was going to every dermatologist that would take me.  I was eventually sent to Ann Arbor hospital, where one lead doctor told me it was all in my head and I needed psychiatric care.  They put me on Xanax and pain medication.   I began overdosing on Xanax to escape the horribleness of the sight and itchiness of my skin.  My skin disease reminded me of the book of Job and his boils.  Instead of scraping mine with broken pottery I scraped it with fingernails and washcloths.     The pain was so severe in my body that I didn’t want to move.  I lost the desire to live.  This condition lasted for 3 years. I fully believe it was the love and care from my husband and close family that kept me from taking my life.  Then I had a blood test that showed I had hepatitis C.  There were eight areas of the complete blood count that were out of range.

In June of 2009, after dropping to 98 pounds at 5′ 7″, I decided to get serious in eating the Sunrider foods.  The days were long as my body tried to heal.  I was eating two or three NuPlus, two Quinary, Calli and Fortune Delight a day, with SunnyDew.   Every time I drank Calli the itching would get worse in my legs.   It was very difficult at first as I waited and hoped, along with believing that the body really can regenerate with these foods.  I also would only eat healthy whole foods along with the Sunrider.  It took about a year and by that time I could sit for longer times and began driving short distances.   The skin began clearing up and feeling soft.  I was also taking Beauty Pearl, Bella, Alpha20C and VitaDophilus.   I would sit in the sun during summer for the vitamin D.   In another six months I started lifting small weights to help gain strength; because I had lost muscle mass and I wanted to be able to lift my grandbaby.   There were some months my skin would break out in spots, and then fade away.

In January of 2011, I had another blood test.  When the doctor saw me he was astonished and couldn’t stop saying how well and healthy I looked with so much energy.  He wanted to know what I had done then recorded the complete details. I weighed in at 114 pounds. Then came the results of the blood test.   ALL eight areas of the complete blood count were NORMAL, but I could use a little more salt at the table.

All liver enzymes were normal, kidney – normal and vitals in the best range.   The hepatitis C has dropped to the low risk level and the viral load by 600,000.   My doctor asked when I wanted to come back as he didn’t see a need.  We agreed to keep following this healthy lifestyle to see what more changes could take place.

The importance is in eating the foods consistently, following a healthy lifestyle of whole foods, looking on the bright side of life and trusting fully in God.   During my times of deep despair, God held me in his hand and became my total source of strength every hour of the day and night.

Today, I am holding my sweet grandbabies, lifting weights, working out, caring for my aging parents, teaching piano lessons, and living life to the full.    Praise God, my joy has been restored!


Sunrider changed my life… (Kelly, Age 21)

Before Sunrider I was sick all the time. After every meal I felt like I needed to throw up. My stomach always hurt and I couldn’t poop for days at a time. I would even go a week at some points without going to the bathroom. I saw a specialist and he diagnosed me with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and gave me medicine that messed up my body and bowels even more.

Along with digestive problems my menstrual cycles were excruciating and very heavy. I wasn’t able to do anything for 3 days because of the pain from the cramps. It hurt to move, to breathe even. The doctor suggested I had endometriosis but it was never diagnosed.

Before Sunrider I was also very depressed and anxious all the time. I was seeing a psychologist but nothing seemed to be working. He suggested medication but I didn’t want to go down that route because all the meds were doing were screwing up my body even more.

FINALLY I found some comfort when Jessica Lopez introduced me to Sunrider. I was hooked from the moment she started talking about it. After only a week of drinking the tea, fortune delight and eating a pack of NuPlus every day I could feel my body start to balance out. I started pooping every day! This was a huge deal for me. I noticed I was happy all the time, from the moment I woke up to when I fell asleep. I am also no longer anxious about anything. When my first period came after starting Sunrider I noticed a huge difference! There were still cramps but I could bare them. The flow became less heavy and I am now able to go on with my days as normal! I have so much more energy now and just have a positive feeling inside me. It feels so great to be able to wake up happy and feeling great! I am in love with Sunrider and I will not go a day without their products in my system! I would recommend Sunrider to all my family and friends, without a doubt!

Healing PCOS through Sunrider… (Brittney, age 20)

For the past three and a half years I have been struggling with hormonal irregularities and excruciating menstrual cycles. I started to have my period 3 or 4 times in one month. I went to three different doctors but none of them could tell me what was wrong with me. Finally, about a year and a half ago I was diagnosed with PCOS. I was told the only thing that could help me was to stat taking birth control. After about a year of trying about 4 different types of birth control pills without any success. About 3 months ago when I had pretty much just written of fixing all of my issues, I was introduced to the Sunrider products. They have completely changed my life. After just a month of being on the Sunrider products I had fewer periods. I have been using Calli tea, Quinary, NuPlus, and Fortune Delight for 3 months now and have recently started taking Beauty Pearl. I now have just 2 periods a month, but more importantly I feel so much better. I feel like I am a healthier person.

Hormonal and digestive problems

eliminated through Sunrider (Jessica, Age 23)

These past 5 months, incredible things have occurred in my body after starting the Sunrider Basic program. For 6 years now I have struggled with severe digestive problems off and on: acid reflux, indigestion, sour stomach, bloating, swollen abdomen with pain, chronic constipation, parasites, candida, food allergies, gall bladder problems, you name it. 6 years ago I also stopped having my menstrual cycle. This was the same time I entered college, was extremely stressed, and very active. I was put on birth control pills for 3 years which fixed my symptom of amenorrhea (absence of period), but never fixed the underlying reason for my low hormone levels and ended up causing me much more grief than good in the form of yeast overgrowth and a diseased gallbladder.

For years I have eaten a very clean diet, exercised, taken mega vitamins, whole food vitamins, spent hundreds of dollars in expensive high quality supplements, done acupuncture, chiropractor, massage, read books, gone to specialists, literally done anything and everything I could think of to bring balance to my body and eliminate my health issues. I am not saying these methods are bad or wrong but nothing was able to strengthen and regenerate my body like the Sunrider foods.

I am THRILLED to tell you that now I rarely have digestive issues. I h ave daily bowel movements which was unheard of for me, stomach distension continues to decrease, I have much more energy and mental clarity, my anxiety is gone (which I have struggled with for years and years), and now the most exciting new development in my body… My body has now regenerated to another level and my menstrual cycle has returned on its own for the first time in 6 YEARS! I might be one of the few in the world who are actually excited to get their period! Haha…

I am SO incredibly thankful for how Jesus is healing my body through the Sunrider foods, through the foods HE created to strengthen our incredibly created bodies. The Sunrider foods are for every body at every stage of health and I highly recommend them to everyone. It is time we take control of our health, strengthen our bodies, and quit accepting disease and illness as a normal way of life because it is NOT. there is an incredible level of health and enjoyment in life that is so easily attainable through the perfect nutrition, Sunrider foods. They have changed my life and I know it will change yours.

5 thoughts on “Sunrider Testimonies!

  1. I don’t know how the person stood the itching. I have taken Sunrider products for awhile. But itching started with Nuplus. I stopped it and cleared. Today I started again along with fortune delight. I am itching on the inside of my legs and groin area and hands and arms.I can’t stand it. It is also red. It must be a reaction to these products.

    • Itching can be a clear indication of cleansing and detoxification. Sunrider is very concentrated, and feeds the body in a way that kick starts the cleansing process through cellular nutrition. Detoxification manifests different in every individual. As the body releases toxins people can experience unpleasant (but necessary) symptoms such as itching, runny nose, headache, mild anxiety, aches and pains, ect. I personally experienced all of the above at one point or another. I’m sorry you have had to experience that.

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