7 Keys to Unlocking Your God-given Health Potential

1. Eat to Live- Lets face it, in today’s society we do the exact opposite! We live to please our palates. Let me tell you a little secret, you can do both;)

2. Supplement Your Diet with Whole Food Nutritionals, Living Nutrients, and Superfoods- Go ahead take a look at the back of your vitamin bottles. Chances are they are no longer a whole food. Just another foreign chemical for your body to waste energy trying to break down. Are your nutrients still alive? Let me give you a hint, if it comes out of a can, you cook it to a pulp or stick it in the microwave, its most likely dead:/ And whats a superfood? This guy says it all…

“Superfoods: These include foods that have a dozen or more unique properties, not just one or two. For example, the goji berry is a source of complete protein, immune-stimulating polysaccharides, liver-cleansing betaine, anti-aging sesquiterpenes, antioxidants, over twenty trace minerals, and much, much more…Superfoods are both a food and a medicine; they have elements of both. They are a class of the most potent, super-concentrated, and nutrient-rich foods on the planet—they have more bang for the buck than our usual foods. “ – David Wolfe

Have anything like that in your kitchen, why yes, yes I do! Goji berries, coconut oil, coconut water, coconut milk, hemp seed, maca, cacoa, spirulina, chlorella, colostrom, aloe vera, just to name a few…For a full list of benefits do the Zhi3Fusion program and learn a mountain full of other awesome foods and there amazing qualities.

3. Practice Advanced Hygiene- “Proper hygiene is as essential to achieving and maintaining optimal health as diet and exercise. Your immune system is one of the most important functions of your body. Like breathing and blinking, you cannot prevent your immune system from reacting to various microorganisms as they enter your body. Germs usually come from your hands, which come into contact with hundreds of surfaces every day, including other hands – all of which are covered with bacteria.

Germs hitchhike under and around the fingernails where normal hand washing fails to reach. Germs that accumulate under fingernails enter the body through the mouth, nasal passages, ears and the corners of eyes (tear ducts) as you touch these areas throughout the day. Most people will rub their eyes, rub their nose, and scratch their face 20 to 50 times a day, up to 18,000 times a year, even in their sleep. This process is part of human nature. You cannot alter it. You can, however, make sure that your hands are clean, especially in, around, and under the fingernails.” -Jordan Rubin

4. Condition Your Body with Exercise and Body Therapies-

* Make a commitment and appointment to exercise at least 3 times a week.

*Take a brisk walk and see how much better you feel at the end of the day.

*Make a conscious effort to practice deep breathing exercises once a day. Inflate your lungs to full and hold for several seconds before slowly exhaling.

*Go to sleep earlier, paying close attention to how much sleep you get before midnight. Do your best to get eight hours of sleep nightly. Remember that sleep is the most important non-nutrient thing you can do for your health.

*End your next shower by changing the water temperature to cool and standing underneath the spray for one minute.

*Next Saturday or Sunday take a day or rest. Dedicate the day to the Lord, and do something fun and relaxing you havn’t done in a while. Make your rest day work free, errand free, and shop free. Trust God that he’ll do more with his six days than you can do with seven.

*Take a magazine or good book and, during your next break from work, sit outside in a chair and face the sun. Soak of the rays for ten of fifteen minutes.

*Incorporate essential oils into your daily life.

*Play worship music in you home, in your car, or on your iPod. Focus on God’s plan for your life

-Jordan Rubin, The Great Physicians’s RX for Health and Wellness


*Foods You Eat- Less processed foods. Eat smaller quantities more often. Try to work up to eating more organic foods.

*Exercise You Get- Build up the major muscles of your entire body. Resistance training. Cardio. Few times a week.

*Thoughts You Think- Be positive. Hang around people you want to be like. Get information on how to reach your goals.

*Support Team- Let your loved ones know your intentions. Ask for help. Find a work out partner.

Visit Mercola.com/fitness

4. Reduce Toxins in Your Environment- This topic can be very overwhelming! There are so many things from cleaners, to paint, air fresheners, candles, building materials, carpets, cookware, plastics, cosmetics, bug sprays, toiletries that all have known carcinogens (cancer causing agents) in them. My advice is to do this step slowly. When you run out of a cleaner for example replace it with a non toxic alternative. Common store bought cleaners (Windex, Comet, Clorox….) are 100% the definition of TOXIC! With 5 easy to find ingredients you can make all your own cleaners and they are just as effective without the nasty consequences. You can always buy organic cleaners but I find them to be rather expensive when I can just whip up my own in less than 3 minutes for three times less.

6. Avoid Deadly Emotions- For additional study on avoiding deadly emotions, visit http://www.BiblicalHealthInstitute.com for a free introductory course called “Emotional Health 101.”

*Do your best to avoid stress, anxiety, and anger.

*Don’t sweat the small stuff.

*Don’t eat when you sad, scared, or ticked off.

*Trust God when you face circumstances that cause you to worry or become anxious.

*Practice forgiveness everyday, and forgive those who hurt you.

*Look for ways to laugh everyday.

-Jordan Rubin, The Great Physicians Rx for Health and Wellness


7. Life a Life of Prayer and Purpose- Visit BiblicalHealthInstitute.com “Prayer and Purpose 101.”

*Pray continually.

*Confess God’s promises the thing you do upon waking and the last thing before you retire.

*Find God’s purpose for your life and live it.

*Be an agent of change in your life, the life of your family, the life of your church, the life of your organization, the life of your community, and the life of your region.

_Jordan Rubin, The Great Physicians RX for Health and Wellness


3 thoughts on “7 Keys to Unlocking Your God-given Health Potential

  1. Carmen, So blessed to read some of your website/blog. We started using the Sunrider foods 23 years ago and then added in the Doterra oils 1 year ago; what a combo! Keep up the great work helping people.

  2. Thanks for the information I’m looking forward to sharing your story with my husband who’s been battling Lupus, Raynouds and Sjogrens my husband had gone on sunrider and has been off of it for the last 6 mths. due to cost he’s decided to go back on would you have any advice on what sunrider products work best. He has very few symptoms considering his labs. I’ve been on sunrider for 2 yrs, it’s been a slow and rocky process. I have known the effects of real food, eating clean and organic for a long time but still the process is not easy. I have another question for you. What kind of dishwasher soap do you use I tried making my own and it never worked well I’m back to using cascade my dishes look great I’m just not sure if it leaves a toxic residue on all the dishes yuck!
    Thanks again for this information it’s so wonderful that you’ve chose to share it.
    A sunrider friend and sister in Christ.

    • Getting the body nutrition is the most important advice in my opinion. The more balanced nutrients the body has to work with the faster regeneration takes place. Nuplus would be number 1 on my list. The 5 foundation foods Nuplus, Cali, Fortune Delight, Quinary, and Sunnydew are my staples. I also add in beauty pearl which I love for many reasons. And no the process is not easy. After so many years of abuse from pharmaceutical drugs, I still go through healing crisis’. But with each obstacle I overcome I feel better then I ever thought I could. I personally use seventh generation dishwasher tabs. I hope this helps. Its nice to know people read my blog.

      Many Blessings!


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