SR Foods Nuplus

Finally received your highly nutritious Sunrider Foods in the mail? You are so excited to begin getting this super concentrated, pure, balanced, regenerating, better than organic goodness in your system! You open the packet and pour it in your freshly brewed Calli Tea with some Sunneydew Stevia drops and say cheers to better health!……….. Then your face puckers and you gag a little, then with a mild green face force it down! You think to yourself great, this stuff wasn’t cheap and how in the world am I going to consume this thick, bland, powdery stuff?  haha well, that’s how my first experience was:) Even when I began to crave it, consuming the same thing 2 times a day for weeks gets old…. SO I wanted to share the recipes we use to consume this great food! Please if you have some recipes you love, email them to me so I can repost them to people who need some inspiration.

Nuplus Pudding…

  1. Nuplus packet
  2. Fresh berries
  3. Sunnydew stevia
  4. Non-dairy milk or Calli tea to reach desired texture



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