Reset Monday

Green Smoothie

My health and wellness journey has been a long one, but worth every bit of effort. About seven years into my process, I felt I had reached a “maintenance phase”. I had put in years of sacrifice to allow my body to heal what fake food, disease, and medication had destroyed.

My body is now strong enough to give myself some grace on the weekends. I enjoy guilty pleasures that align with whatever season I am in. Some seasons look like one doughnut for breakfast and the healthiest version of a mixed drink I can think of for dinner. I don’t go nuts every weekend, I still have goals I want to reach, and a body I wish to protect.

When I feel free, I don’t feel the need to binge. Committing to five days of clean eating per week is nothing compared to the years I gave up in order to heal.

All of my seasons aren’t the same. In some seasons, my cheat weekends may look more like a banana, and a store bought kombucha. Whatever season I’m in, I have made MONDAY my day to reset. No matter what I ate over the weekend, on Monday I commit to eating the cleanest way I know how.

Having a reset day positions me to have a successful week. It helps me intentionally fuel with foods that align with the body I want.

As I reflect on this Monday, I am inspired by the freedom I’ve found, the progress I’ve made, and my body’s ability to heal.

Cheers to Reset Monday!!

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